4 research outputs found

    A Zigbee Based Cost-Effective Home Monitoring System Using WSN

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    WSNs are vital in a variety of applications, including environmental monitoring, industrial process control, and healthcare. WSNs are a network of spatially scattered and dedicated sensors that monitor and record the physical conditions of the environment.Significant obstacles to WSN efficiency include the restricted power and processing capabilities of individual sensor nodes and the issues with remote and inaccessible deployment sites. By maximising power utilisation, enhancing network effectiveness, and ensuring adaptability and durability through dispersed and decentralised operation, this study suggests a comprehensive approach to dealing with these challenges. The suggested methodology involves data compression, aggregation, and energy-efficient protocol. Using these techniques, WSN lifetimes can be increased and overall performance can be improved. In this study we also provide methods to collect data generated by several nodes in the WSN and store it in a remote cloud such that it can be processed and analyzed whenever it is required.Comment: Paper has been presented at ICCCNT 2023 and the final version will be published in IEEE Digital Library Xplor

    Unleashing the Power of Dynamic Mode Decomposition and Deep Learning for Rainfall Prediction in North-East India

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    Accurate rainfall forecasting is crucial for effective disaster preparedness and mitigation in the North-East region of India, which is prone to extreme weather events such as floods and landslides. In this study, we investigated the use of two data-driven methods, Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), for rainfall forecasting using daily rainfall data collected from India Meteorological Department in northeast region over a period of 118 years. We conducted a comparative analysis of these methods to determine their relative effectiveness in predicting rainfall patterns. Using historical rainfall data from multiple weather stations, we trained and validated our models to forecast future rainfall patterns. Our results indicate that both DMD and LSTM are effective in forecasting rainfall, with LSTM outperforming DMD in terms of accuracy, revealing that LSTM has the ability to capture complex nonlinear relationships in the data, making it a powerful tool for rainfall forecasting. Our findings suggest that data-driven methods such as DMD and deep learning approaches like LSTM can significantly improve rainfall forecasting accuracy in the North-East region of India, helping to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events and enhance the region's resilience to climate change.Comment: Paper is under review at ICMC 202

    A Few-Shot Approach to Dysarthric Speech Intelligibility Level Classification Using Transformers

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    Dysarthria is a speech disorder that hinders communication due to difficulties in articulating words. Detection of dysarthria is important for several reasons as it can be used to develop a treatment plan and help improve a person's quality of life and ability to communicate effectively. Much of the literature focused on improving ASR systems for dysarthric speech. The objective of the current work is to develop models that can accurately classify the presence of dysarthria and also give information about the intelligibility level using limited data by employing a few-shot approach using a transformer model. This work also aims to tackle the data leakage that is present in previous studies. Our whisper-large-v2 transformer model trained on a subset of the UASpeech dataset containing medium intelligibility level patients achieved an accuracy of 85%, precision of 0.92, recall of 0.8 F1-score of 0.85, and specificity of 0.91. Experimental results also demonstrate that the model trained using the 'words' dataset performed better compared to the model trained on the 'letters' and 'digits' dataset. Moreover, the multiclass model achieved an accuracy of 67%.Comment: Paper has been presented at ICCCNT 2023 and the final version will be published in IEEE Digital Library Xplor

    Enhancing Knee Osteoarthritis severity level classification using diffusion augmented images

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    This research paper explores the classification of knee osteoarthritis (OA) severity levels using advanced computer vision models and augmentation techniques. The study investigates the effectiveness of data preprocessing, including Contrast-Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE), and data augmentation using diffusion models. Three experiments were conducted: training models on the original dataset, training models on the preprocessed dataset, and training models on the augmented dataset. The results show that data preprocessing and augmentation significantly improve the accuracy of the models. The EfficientNetB3 model achieved the highest accuracy of 84\% on the augmented dataset. Additionally, attention visualization techniques, such as Grad-CAM, are utilized to provide detailed attention maps, enhancing the understanding and trustworthiness of the models. These findings highlight the potential of combining advanced models with augmented data and attention visualization for accurate knee OA severity classification.Comment: Paper has been accepted to be presented at ICACECS 2023 and the final version will be published by Atlantis Highlights in Computer Science (AHCS) , Atlantis Press(part of Springer Nature